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Valerio Rocco Orlando. Quale educazione per Marte? (What Education for Mars?)

Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. Sebastiano Luciani Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. Sebastiano Luciani Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. Sebastiano Luciani Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. Sebastiano Luciani Valerio Rocco Orlando, Quale educazione per Marte?. Installation view, Nomas Foundation, Rome. Ph. WhyWe

A project by Esterno22 and Valerio Rocco Orlando
In collaboration with Nomas Foundation Lab

June 9th - July 9th, 2011
Opening: June 9th, 2011 from 7.00pm
Nomas Foundation, viale Somalia 33, Rome

It strikes me that in our society art is related to objects and not to people or life.
But how could it be living our life as an art piece?
(Michel Foucault)
Nomas Foundation presents an exhibition that recounts and documents the workshop held last winter by artist Valerio Rocco Orlando, involving the students of different high school classes of the city of Rome.
Quale educazione per Marte?, quoting Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster’s exhibition Quelle architecture pour Mars? (2001), is an attempt of experimenting an alternative model of knowledge’s transmission and relationships in school through a workshop conducted by Valerio Rocco Orlando.
As the philosopher Bruno Latour, in his book La vie de laboratoire (1979), analyzes scientific discoveries through the study of the relationships between the scientists and their families, Quale educazione per Marte? will research on the school-system through the relations between students themselves.
During the wokshop, the students together with the artist discussed the mechanisms that inform relationships in the school environment, thus collecting stories about the place where they spend most of their everyday life.
The aim of the project was to show different points of views through a series of individual interviews, reflecting the multiplicity of relationships among students, teachers and families.
The transcription of the conversations constituted the starting point for the editing of the video, which is structured as a polyphonic dialogue.
The edited material gathered during the workshop - a video installation, a board with photographs and texts and a neon sign - represent a diary and a mirror of the relationships created in the school in the past months. My personal narration of the students’ stories is translated into a polyphonic dialogue, as a way to reframe in the form of a display the different stages that transform a personal stories into universal history, ultimately involving the the observer as aprticipant. (Valerio Rocco Orlando)

The workshop will end with a performance. After the exhibition opening, on 11 June, the last day of school, a flyer with extracts of the conversations with the students will be distributed outside the high schools of the city. After the performance the material gathered during the workshop will be send to Ministry for Education.

Valerio Rocco Orlando (Milan, 1978) explores through sound and video installations the relational dynamics of contemporary society. He’s graduated in Dramaturgy at Catholic University in Milan and he took a master in Film Direction at Queen Mary University of London. In 2009, he won the ISCP New York Prize, promoted by Parc/Seat/Gai, and in 2011 a Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellowship for Visual Arts.
